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Parkinson’s Ireland Election Campaign

Parkinson’s Ireland (PI) recently put together our Election Campaign, including information on Parkinson’s Disease, what we do, our services and our funding.

On average, the other major neurological charities receive over 50% of their overall income from the government. Parkinson’s Ireland receives less than 10% of total income from the government.

We are calling for this disparity to be ended and calling on the government to provide sustainable funding to PI.

As Parkinson’s is the fastest growing neurological condition and demand for services is increasing, it is critical that this is addressed urgently.

Our five asks are:

1. An increase in government funding for our services including our PD nurses, and funding for other allied health professional services such as physiotherapy, speech therapy, counselling and dietitians. 

2. The full rollout of the Community Neurorehabilitation Teams in all regions by the end of 2025. 

3. Additional neurologist outreach services in 5 hospitals which don’t currently have a neurologist: Letterkenny, Wexford, Bantry, Portlaoise and Castlebar. 

4. Funding for additional PD nurse posts has been announced in recent budgets. Most of these posts have yet to be filled. We ask that these posts are filled as soon as possible. 

5. Investment into research on the links between exposure to pesticides and PD. In addition, investment should be made into education around safety measures which should be taken when using pesticides, such as the wearing of masks and gloves.

In the coming weeks, we will expand this campaign and ask that our members support these asks.

You can access our full election document here:

General Election Card

We also have a general election card for our members to hand to candidates when a canvassing for your vote.

You can download it here:

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