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Who We Are

Parkinson’s Ireland is made up of 21 Branches throughout Ireland, in addition to a National Office based in Dublin.

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors are all volunteers and give their time and expertise freely. The Board meets approximately once per month with short breaks in the summer and winter. The Board are elected each year at our AGM by rotation, and from time-to-time Board members are co-opted.

You can read more about our board members here.


Parkinson’s Ireland is made up of eighteen Branches throughout Ireland. Each Branch is operated by volunteers and these Branches form part of the national organisation.

National Office

At our national office there are six paid staff – our CEO Shane O’Brien, our Helpline Manager, Pauline Mahady; our Parkinson’s Nurses Lisa Wynne, Kathy Foley and Charlotte Deasy and Ruth Delaney is responsible for Communications and Fundraising.

Complaints and Feedback

As a valued supporter of Parkinson’s Ireland, the board know it is important that we facilitate any feedback or complaints that you may have. If for any reason, you should feel aggrieved, we will endeavour to do our utmost to make sure that we come to a satisfactory resolution. We feel it is important that we learn from our mistakes so your feedback is very important to us.

We are committed to ensuring that all our communications and dealings with our members, the general public and supporters are of the highest possible standard.

We listen and respond to your views so that we can continue to improve. To view the full document on Complaints and Feedback click here.


To contact our national office or any of our Board members or staff please call 01-8722234 or email your query to us at

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