As the demand for our services continues to grow and with the number of people…
A call to action from Disability Federation Ireland –
A call to action from Disability Federation Ireland –
We are asking you to take action as services for disabled people are threatened by a crisis in the recruitment and retention of staff in Section 39 funded disability organisations. The primary cause is reduced statutory funding for Section 39 funded organisations, which causes a disparity in pay and conditions compared to their HSE and Section 38 counterparts.
This is an ongoing and increasingly urgent issue for disabled people and their families. In some cases, this situation threatens the viability of disability organisations.
Over two thirds of all disability services are delivered by the voluntary sector. Therefore, the recruitment and retention crisis in Section 39 disability organisations is having a catastrophic impact on essential services.
Government action is needed to bring this issue to resolution.
We are asking you to TAKE ACTION now. This will involve you sending a pre-written email to TDs and Senators in your local constituency. All you have to do is to click on the map to choose your constituency, fill in your own details, preview the email and hit SEND.
While the email text has been written, the subject line can be customised and personalised and we would encourage you to do that.
Please Take Action today!
Take Action –